Pact Sealed: Gain Confidence Africa Partners with Talentend Teens Uganda

GCA - TH MOU Signing

After the two-year lockdown due to Covid, Gain Confidence Africa remained hopeful and continued to prepare for the time when life would return to normal.

The opening of the Ugandan economy was more than a glimmer of hope when a new partnership between Gain Confidence Africa and Talenthouse was formalised.

In a comprehensive memorandum of understanding, both parties expressed their common interests in educating and supporting the Ugandan child so that he or she can reach his or her full potential. We agreed to jointly manage and streamline the operation of our programs.

Aimed at managing operations and programs jointly by both parties, the Memorandum of Understanding also aims, among other things, to strengthen and clearly define the areas of application and to enable partners to plan jointly and strategically, to promote joint innovation and to report to stakeholders on the implementation of the desired objectives in an appropriate and conducive timeframe.

Signing of MOU between Gain Confidence Africa and Talenthouse
Photo moment after signing of the MOU at Mukono. From left: Karin Lukas, Ssekabira Isaac, Achilla Rogers and Yasin Sentumbwe

Given the common objectives, the MOU is crucial because it will ensure that the parties in the new relationship do not leave a job behind to increase and maintain productivity.

The Memorandum of Understanding focuses on four main areas for strategic planning and implementation:

1. Combating reproductive health rights among Ugandan youth

2. Promoting skills development,

3. Promoting a friendly learning environment for school-age children (play and learning)

4. After the two-year absence from school due to Covid-19, in which many young girls became pregnant, the problems of teenage mothers are to be addressed.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding took place on 19 February 2022 in Mukono in the presence of representatives of Gian Confidence Africa and Talenthouse.

Karin Lukas expressed the need to work towards a change of mentality for the African child as a catalyst for a transformation that leads to lasting productivity. She promised to support the cooperation in the best possible way to realize the common goals for the full exploitation of the potential of the African child in favor of the new team.

In his speech, Mr. Sentumbwe M. Yasin, the founder and team leader at Gain Confidence Africa thanked the Talenthouse team for their willingness and interest in working with Gain Confidence Africa, although there are a number of many CBOs and NGOs in Uganda.

He also thanked Karin Lukas for being a person who stands by her word that has seen the realization of the joint cooperation that would have been stated in 2020, but Covid 19 made it impossible until 2022.

Mr. Sentumbwe encouraged the Gain Confidence Africa team to remain open-minded and engaged in order to win results-oriented partnerships that not only influence the goals of the organization but also promote individual careers and capacity growth.

He thanked the Gain Confidence Africa team for their continued commitment, which has transformed the organization from a briefcase NGO into an NGO that can address diverse interests at the local and international levels. He promised to maintain the willingness to learn from both teams and all those who look forward to improving for the common of all.

Both teams pledged to remain more than just parties to the relationship in order to achieve the desired goals aimed at making Uganda, the African continent and the world as a whole a better place, this is because a nation’s strength lies in the capabilities of its citizens.

The event was crowned with the cutting of a cake with which both parties congratulated each other for their contribution to the new relationship.

Two are better than one

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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